HR Club


Book onto gunnercooke’s next FREE HR Club live webinar on Thursday 15th June 9.30am – 11.00 am to join in the discussion. Led by Employment Law Partner, Joan Pettingill

Multi-generational working and the law - bullying & harassment, malicious grievances or just plain insubordination?

The world of work is changing. More generations than ever are working together. What kinds of behaviors do different generations tend to expect of work and of one another at work? What happens when generational norms clash? How does this fit in with discrimination, bullying & harassment, equality and diversity and grievances?

 Join our next HR Club round table where we:

  • Review the legal position;
  • Horizon scan how the world of work is changing when it comes to multi-generational working
  • Discuss real-world examples
  • Share best practice

What the delegates from our previous clubs say:

“Great to know I’m not on my own with these HR challenges.”

“Good discussion with other professionals and I don’t feel spoken down to.”

“If I only book out my calendar for one event a month, this is the one!”

The webinar will provide legal and practical insights and is perfect for employers trying to improve their employee retention.

Book a space below!

Thursday 15th June| 9:30am -11:00 am

9.30am Welcome & introductions

9.45am This month’s employment law update

10.00am Topical discussion

10.25am sharing best practice

10.45am round-up and feedback